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Nominate Your Favorite Place!
It just might be Featured on Pat Pattison’s Best of California TV
and be placed before our online audience.

Do you have a favorite travel location, a hidden gem, or place that needs more notice?

Do you really appreciate or own/manage a business location you would like to share with the California traveling public?

Get it placed before our online audience.

Fill out the form below. Questions? See details below form.

Nominate Your Favorite location, business or hidden gem below.

Details and Instructions:

What is “Best of California”?

  • A popular TV show that highlights California’s best businesses, destinations, and experiences.

  • Hosted by Pat Pattison, a veteran TV personality with a passion for California’s local gems.

  • A trusted resource for Californians and tourists alike to discover new places, hidden gems, brands, and experiences.


Why Be Featured on “Best of California”?
Benefits of Being Featured

  • Reach a large and diverse audience across the state.

  • Boost credibility and brand recognition with Pat Pattison’s endorsement.

  • Exposure across TV, online platforms, and social media.

  • Opportunity to tell your brand’s story in a compelling way.


Eligibility for Being Featured
Are You Eligible to be Featured?


  • Must be a California-based business, destination, or experience.

  • Should have a unique story or exceptional quality that stands out.

  • Align with the show’s mission of promoting the best that California has to offer.

  • Willingness to engage through interviews or demonstrations.

Steps to Apply for Feature
How to Apply for a Feature on the Show


  1. Go to the “Best of California” official website.

  2. Fill Out the Application Form above: Provide details about your business, location, and why it should be featured.

  3. Wait for Contact: If selected, the production team will reach out for next steps. Please allow 1 -2 weeks for contact.


Selection Criteria
What the Show is Looking For


  • Unique stories that showcase the best aspects of California living.

  • Locations or experiences that would appeal to a wide audience.

  • Businesses that offer exceptional products or services.

  • High-quality visual appeal for on-screen presentation.

Tips for Standing Out
How to Increase Your Chances of Being Selected


  • Focus on what makes your location, business, product, or service unique.

  • Tell a compelling story that resonates with the California lifestyle.

  • Highlight any awards, community involvement, or special recognitions.

  • Optional: Provide high-quality visuals, including professional photos and videos.

What Happens If You’re Selected
The Feature Process

  • The show’s team will schedule an on-location shoot or virtual interview.

  • A segment will be produced highlighting your brand.

  • The show will air on TV and may also be featured onlineon our website and blog and across social media.

  • You’ll receive a copy of the segment to use for your own promotional efforts.


More Questions? Contact Information:

Jon Book
Vice President Strategic Partnerships 
Pat Pattison’s Best of California 



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